5 ways to raise the bar on your performance at work

Last modified 15 October 2024
Career & Development
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
5 ways to raise the bar on your performance at work

The job market can be daunting, but with skills and insights that stand the test of time, you can boost your performance at work and secure your employment longevity. Here’s how to find and develop future-proofed skills to step up, raise the bar and get noticed for doing so.

1. Play to your strengths

We often unintentionally focus on our weaknesses and overlook our strengths. While you cannot ignore areas that you know or were told need improvement, like having strong technical skills when crunching the numbers, being more strategic in supporting your clients, or conducting critical background research for a new project, it’s important to identify where you excel. You can start to shine when you contribute in ways that underscore your unique value and the skills you bring to the organisation. Identifying and leveraging our strengths can help us stand out and make valuable contributions, as well as increase our confidence and job satisfaction at work.

2. Go one level up – do higher level work

While taking on more responsibility may not free you from your daily responsibilities and could require extra time investment, offer to take on more responsibilities. Lighten your boss’ load and make life easier for them by taking a few things off of their plate. Not only will this position you as a team player, but it could allow you to develop more skills as you get out of your comfort zone. In order to get ahead, you need the skills to warrant a promotion. One of the best ways to develop professionally is to be proactive in taking on new challenges and expanding your core competencies.

3. Develop friendships at work

People often think about networking outside of work. But what about the people you work with on a daily basis? It’s always helpful to network within your organisation. By networking with people across different departments, you will not only gain new insights and perspectives, but you will also be able to increase your visibility with the organisation. When new opportunities open up, you could be top of mind if you just had lunch with someone in that division. Everyone has to eat! Why not eat with people outside of your circle to expand your in-office network.

4. Learn from your peers

You’re surrounded by talented and intelligent people at work. Maybe the person two cubicles down is great at revamping presentations, or a new colleague is impressive when analysing business opportunities for the company. Be alert and carve out time to learn from them. If you develop a good relationship with them, they might sit down to teach you something new. Building positive relationships with peers who have knowledge or skills that you want to learn can be mutually beneficial.

5. Stop sweating the small stuff

Focus on areas where you have influence and leverage. Pay attention to what’s in your wheelhouse and stop fretting over what others are doing. Ask yourself, does it really matter? Are you getting too deep in the weeds? Have you crossed over into the petty zone and gotten away from the big picture? If so, shake it off, release it and move on!

What do you think?

The best way to move forward is to have a plan, implement change in your life, be proactive about your career, and never be satisfied with just the status quo. How have you better positioned yourself for career success? Comment your views below and join the conversation.

This article was written by Jelena Milutinovic on behalf of the Australian Institute of Business. All opinions are that of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of AIB. The following sources were used to compile this article: The Azara Group and LifeHacker

*see 20 Biggest Online MBA Providers, MBA News (July 2024)

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