AIB grades

This section outlines the most common questions we receive about grades, feedback and marking. We strongly encourage you to refer to the Assessment Policy and Procedure for the most up to date information. 

Your feedback helps us to improve, and we take this very seriously! 

As an AIB student there are some key points in your journey where we will ask you for feedback so that we can get a feel for how you’re finding things so far. The key milestones where you will be asked for generous feedback is at the end of each subject and at the end of your course. More information can be found in our Evaluation of Subject, Course and Teaching Policy and Procedures.

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We aim to have all grades available as soon as possible after the assessment due date. To ensure you have the most up-to-date turnaround times, please head to the Assessment Procedure which is available on our website.

The current turnaround time for releasing marks/grades and notations is: 

  • First or Interim assessment – at least 14 days before the next assessment due date. When these results are ready, your Online Learning Facilitator or Subject Coordinator will let you know via the subject forum.  
  • Capstone and Final Subject Grade - normally within 14 days from the original assessment due date. When these grades are ready, you will receive an email confirming that your final grade is available within My Results. 

You might also be interested in…. 

  1. What do my grades, marks or results mean? 
  2. How is my Grade Point Average (GPA) calculated and why does it matter? 

A detailed guide on finding your grade and feedback is available on our Assessment Support page and includes: 

  • Where to find your grade,  
  • How to know if your assessment has been graded and, 
  • Finding and downloading your feedback 

Accessing your grades 

There are a couple of places you can access your grades, depending on which grades you are looking for. These are:  

  • You can access your Grades from your subject by clicking on Grades in the top menu. Your Online Learning Facilitator will let you know when these grades are available. 
  • My Results page: this page shows your final subject result only and can be accessed by clicking on your user picture in the top menu bar of the Learning Portal, then selecting My Results. When these results are released, you’ll receive an email confirming their availability. 

You might also be interested in…

  1. What do my grades, marks or results mean? 
  2. Can I submit an assessment for feedback before submitting the final version? 
  3. How do I access the AIB Style Guide? 

As the weighting and assessment items are specific to each subject, you should head to your subjects’ assessment page, including your subject’s assessment guidelines, for details relating to your specific subject.   

At the end of the subject, your various assessment results will be amalgamated, and you will be awarded one of the following grades:

Grade Notation Marks Grade Point
High Distinction HD 85 – 100 7
Distinction D 75 – 84 6
Credit C 65 – 74 5
Pass 1 P1 55 – 64 4.5
Pass 2 P2 50 – 54 4
Fail F Below 49 0
Withdrawal Fail/ Did Not Sit or Submit WF/DNS Not applicable 0

Please note: Withdrawal Not Fail (WNF) and Medical/Compassionate (MC) grades do not affect your Grade Point Average (GPA). 

You might also be interested in… 

  1. How do I access my grades and where can I find my assessment feedback? 
  2. How is my Grade Point Average (GPA) calculated? 
  3. Where can I download my Unofficial Academic Transcript? 
  4. How do I request a re-mark for an assessment? 

Your Grade Point Average or GPA is used as an indicator of your academic performance. It’s an average, so each subject you study and each grade you obtain contributes towards your overall average. Essentially, the higher your GPA, the higher your average grade and performance.  

Important points: 

  • Some grades are not included in your GPA calculation. These are subject exemptions (E grades), withdrawals before census dates (WNF grades) and medial/compassionate (MC) grades. All other grades including withdrawal fails (i.e. withdrawals after census dates) contribute towards the GPA calculation.  
  • Your GPA changes as you complete each subject and as such it’s considered as provisional until your course is fully complete.  
  • You can access your GPA grade on your unofficial academic transcript (generated from your My Results page), as it stands at the time of generating the document.  

More information, including how to calculate your GPA is available within the Calculation of Grade Point Average Procedure on the AIB website. 

You might also be interested in… 

  1. What do my grades, marks or results mean? 
  2. I’ve passed my last subject, what happens next? 

The first step of the re-mark process is to engage with a member of our academic team. This will provide you with an opportunity to discuss your results in detail with a subject specialist, and to raise any concerns that you may have. Our Student Central team will happily arrange this for you; to ensure we can find a mutually convenient time slot, please include your best contact number and a few convenient timeslots when requesting your re-mark appointment. Please keep in mind that Academic appointments can be made between 9:30am – 5:00pm (Adelaide time), Monday to Friday.  

If, after speaking with our specialist Academic, you still wish to proceed with your re-mark our Student Central team will take you through the next steps.

The important points 

  • It is essential that you refer to the re-mark section within the Assessment Procedure before requesting a re-mark,  
  • You will need to download your original assessment feedback before submitting your request as your original subject feedback will no longer be available once re-mark approval is received. 
  • Your request is subject to approval by AIB and your assessment will only be sent for re-marking once approved. 
  • It is also important to be aware that the re-mark grade will be considered as final even though your assessment grade may increase, decrease or stay the same. 

Timing is everything!
All re-mark requests (including payment if applicable) must be received within fourteen (14) days of receipt of the grade for the assessment item.

If I go ahead with the re-mark, what happens? 

  • Your existing submission will be reverted to a ‘new’ submission – this is why you have to download your original subject feedback. 
  • A completely new marker will be appointed and will be provided the assessment as though this is the first-time submission with all previous comments, grades and feedback removed. The new marker will then mark the paper afresh.  
  • Once the marking is done, it will go through our normal moderation process, and then you’ll be notified of the outcome.  

You might also be interested in… 

  1. How do I contact Student Central? 
  2. How do I access my grades and where can I find my assessment feedback? 
  3. Turnitin; what is this?